About us

“Infomont” is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization from Montenegro. We started as a youth NGO in 2004, and since then we have spread online, using the internet as a tool to connect people and promote our goals. That’s why we are now mainly an internet-based network, with colleagues and contributors located in different parts of Montenegro, Europe and the world. Our members are young professionals, civil society activists, academics, and other citizens – enthusiasts who want to help Montenegro develop faster.

Our work is focused on several main areas: culture, fostering European values, civic engagement and open democratic society, ecology and sustainable development, tourism, education, diaspora links etc.

We are specifically sensitive to unorganized civil society, since the grassroots citizen movements in Montenegro often do not get much help from the civil society programs. One of our goals is to amplify their impact by using our online ‘infrastructure’, since most of these grassroots initiatives don’t have the proper online presence.  Also, we have the expertise to search for other opportunities which might help their cause, such as connecting them with European organizations and finding other helpful contacts and tools.

Our main goal is to help Montenegro become a cultured, progressive, developed and open society. We do this by informing, educating and engaging the citizens. The values we promote are based on tolerance and understanding, equality and the respect for differences.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments or suggestions.